Getting closer to some sort of fundraising campaign.

Hey guys!

So, I’m officially off the injured reserve list and back in action working on the game. I have to switch gears a little though soon. It is coming up on the middle of summer and I have to keep in mind that our plan is to launch some form of fundraising for the project this coming fall.

I’ve been looking at a lot of different fundraising platforms (i.e. Kickstarter, GoFundMe, Patreon, etc) to find the best one…or combination of more than one…to plan for. So far I think that everything is leaning towards using Kickstarter. Mainly because it is the one that will most likely be able to generate enough interest and capital that we could really use to get this project up to the next level in development.

Up until now, all of the work has been done on a completely volunteer basis. No one, myself included, is making any sort of income (aside from whatever other jobs we all have) during the creation of LEGACY. It is definitely a labor of love for us, but love doesn’t pay the grocery bills, or the electricity!

My ultimate goal for a fundraising campaign is to generate enough overhead capital to get everyone who is now working on this in their spare time on-board as fully paid contractors, get some more help in asset development and programming, as well as secure audio and motion capture talent. Granted, I myself won’t be getting rich off of the campaign, but it will help make it possible for me to continue working on the project full time 7 days a week.

So, with that said, I hope you all keep an eye out and check out the fundraiser when it starts. I plan to have some very exciting and fun contributor prizes lined up when it does.

Ok, that’s all for now. Thanks again for your time…and have a great day!