Planning for PAX!

Hi guys!


Just checking in to tell you a little about my preparations to attend PAX East in Boston this April. First off…I want to just say that I am REALLY EXCITED for this! The chance to show off what we have done at an event as big as PAX East is an amazing opportunity for such a small developer like us. It gives us the same floor space as the big AAA title companies, with the same crowd of people to come see us. I find that pretty amazing! Of course, being such a small developer in such a big pond is also pretty nerve-racking. I have to keep reminding myself not to be too overly critical of our progress to date. Being a volunteer teem of less that 7-8 people at any given time allows for only so much content to be produced. That said, I am pretty proud of the fact that we will be able to let people try our pre-alpha demo levels. That in and of itself is no small feat!

Now that I have secured the booth space (which is one of the 10’x 10′ sized booths), I have now begun planning out the layout, signage, and displays. I get to flex my design skills that I recently developed going to school for a certificate in CAD by using Solid Works to design the layout of the space. Trying to maximize the marketing “punch” of the game in such a small area will be a bit of a challenge…but one that I am looking forward to.

One of the most exciting aspects of the planning is creating the schedule for the dev team booth volunteers. Many of them are coming from far away (as far as California) to help man the booth during the convention. Part of the booth package was getting a number of 3-day vendor passes. That has allowed me to bring most of the development team to the event to help out. Also, on top of working the booth, I wanted them to have a chance to experience the convention itself. I remember going to PAX the first time a few years ago and was immediately amazed…and hooked…by it’s sheer awesomeness! I want my team to have that same experience.

Ok..that’s all I have for now. I will be sharing more details as we draw closer to the event.

Talk to you all again soon!